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How to Make Your Daughter's Clothes Last All School Year

You are probably taking care of the back-to-school list and clothes is one of those categories that keeps popping up throughout the year no matter what. Now it is true that children grow and some clothes will no longer fit, but with teenagers this usually takes longer. So, why don’t you teach your older children the basics of a wardrobe with these few tips below in hopes that their clothes last longer this school year?

Tip #1: Closet Cleanup and Two Lists

Yes, visit the closet together to see what fits and what doesn’t. From what doesn’t, separate all pieces in three piles: donations, younger family/friend and trash. For what works (and if he/she still likes and is willing to use these pieces), analyze what you are missing to make these clothes work. Make a list of the things you need and check according to your budget what can be purchased. For the pieces you cannot buy right away keep them on a separate list, which they can maintain in their closet or on their desk. Tell your teenager that whenever they realize they need something to add it to the list, so the next time you go shopping you know what to get.

Tip #2: Basics, basics, basics

Teenagers are tempted to go after trends, which most of the time involve specific motifs that tend to stay in the closet after the fad goes away. To maintain a clean and fresh look, let him/her pick a few trendy pieces, but focus on buying basics of high quality and great fit. To fulfill the trend hunger, buy a few inexpensive accessories that reflect the look he/she is looking for.

Tip #3: Combinations

Teach your kids how to combine their clothes. I know they want to be creative and dress as they want, which is fine. Nevertheless giving them some guidance before school starts by sharing some of your favorite combinations will give them a point to start and their imagination will take care of the rest.

Tip #4: Inspiration

When it comes to getting dressed inspiration is a big factor. Buy a fashion magazine with your teen and tear out pages with looks they love. Put together a board with all these pictures and place it in their rooms to help them spark ideas in the morning. They can also complement this tactic by using Pinterest. There are many ideas for all kinds of outfits. Just type the name of the piece you want to wear (Example: black pant women outfits) in the search bar and check out the diverse possibilities. You can use this tip too dear Mom ;)

Tip #5: Consider Online Shopping

If going to the mall is a nightmare or your child doesn’t like shopping, consider online shopping. If you purchase from one or two websites only, you can get enough pieces to qualify for free shipping. You can also compare the deals each store has in a impulse-free environment. it is easier to say no to a cute top online from afar than when you have it in your hands. If you have your list with you, you can easily search for the items you need in the search bar of your kids’ favorite store. If you are worried about sizes, many stores are giving the possibility of merchandise pickup at the store. Call a sales representative in advance and ask if they can prepare a fitting room with the pieces you desire. Go to the store, try on the pieces, select the ones that work, pay and go!


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