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10 Things You Didn’t Know About Me - Sandra Mateu Yotty

Hi Beautiful!

This post was inspired by Alex Beadon's Feel Good Blogging Challenge. She asked participants to share with her audience on their blogs 10 things most people don’t know about them. Since August is my birthday month, I thought this would be a perfect fit. If you want to get to know me a little better (on a more personal note), please read this post and if you wan to share ANYTHING with me go ahead. I would love to hear from you! This is not as easy as it looks ;)

No. 1 - I’m a Leo! If you know a little about zodiac sings and you just realized it’s my birthday then you might know this already ;) I’m a proud Leo with a lot of passion, loyalty and yes, an eye for luxurious things. I also constantly work on mastering my emotions and letting my guard down at times…

No. 2 - I love brownies. I did’t use to care much for chocolate, but as I get older I love it more and more, especially brownies. Want to be my friend? Give me a brownie and we’ll start chatting!

No. 3 - I don’t like thunderstorms. It’s true…some say they are romantic. I think they are scary and I’m thankful for having my husband next to me to calm me down.

No. 4 - My favorite performer and singer is Michael Jackson. My dream was to meet him in person and watch him perform. His music makes me happy and moves my feet.

No. 5 - When I was 15 years old, I proposed the idea of opening a newspaper in my school in Venezuela. I met with the Principal and showed her a plan (sections, people for every position, editorial schedule and more). She said yes and we ran the paper for one full school year. The next year my parents decided to move to the U.S. and I had to step down.

No. 6 - I love dancing. While some drink and eat, I can dance all night. Now with my husband I do all three drink, eat and dance.

No. 7 - I’m obsessed with Shark Tank. It makes me happy to see people fight for their dreams, listen to their pitch, evaluate their negotiation techniques and learn, learn, learn.

No. 8 - I clean my closet like 7 times a year. I love taking advantage of everything I own, donating what be useful to another woman and get new energy into that space. It helps me relax, be green with my clothes and have fun.

No. 9 - I’ve picked up journaling now that I’m older. When I was a kid everyone had a journal and I didn’t like writing down about my personal things, so I did’t. Now I find it therapeutic and helpful. I keep the focus positive though. My goal with my journal is to come up with solutions, be grateful and become more aware.

No. 10 - I love thrift shopping. Me and one of my best friends are always looking for the next opportunity to spend a day together and find new treasures!


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